Revisión sistemática en busca de un procedimiento para la valoración enfermera de la neuropatía periférica diabéticasegunda fase del estudio "NEUDIACAN®"

  1. Carlos Enrique Martínez Alberto
  2. Leticia Cuéllar Pompa
  3. Domingo Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez
  4. Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito
  5. Alfonso Miguel García Hernández
  6. Sara Darias Curvo
  7. Armando Aguirre Jaime
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 12

Type: Article

More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería


Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (NPD) is one of the most common and problematic complications of diabetes mellitus. It is the leading cause of ulcers and amputations in the lower limbs. As a result of the first phase of the NEUDIACAN® study, no validated procedure was found for the assessment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy among health professionals of the Canary Islands’ primary health care setting. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive search for studies of an evaluation system, such as a scale, test, procedure or protocol, validated for nursing use that complied with characteristics that would allow it be applied in the field of primary care, to prevent the onset of complications such as the diabetic foot.

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