Postorientalismo GeekKamala Khan, una superheroína musulmana para el comic del siglo XXI

  1. Romero-Morales, Yasmina
  2. Martín-Palomino, Esther Torrado
  3. Eguren-Hernández, Carlos Javier
Razón y palabra

ISSN: 1605-4806

Ano de publicación: 2018

Título do exemplar: Reputación, transparencia y nuevas tecnologías

Número: 102

Páxinas: 510-535

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Razón y palabra


This research paper aims to bring us closer to the series of comics, Ms. Marvel, and focused on their two most controversial points. In the first place, that her superheroine Kamala Khan breaks the tradition of superheroes by the fact of being a woman. And, in a second place, that Kamala Khan besides being a woman, is also Pakistani and Muslim origin. In this sense, we will approach the question of the Islamic diversity in the heroic universe proposed by Marvel Comics and we will examine to what extent the proposed portrait of the protagonist Kamala Khan manages to fight against Islamophobia.

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