Celos, desesperanza e ideación suicida en población con orientación sexual diversa

  1. Bertha Lucía Avendaño-Prieto
  2. Moisés Betancort Montesinos
  3. Angela Bernal-Aguirre
  4. Laura Andrea González-Martínez
  5. Stephany M. Gómez Sánchez
  6. Christian F. Villalobos Sánchez
Universitas psychologica

ISSN: 1657-9267

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 18

Issue: 4

Type: Article

More publications in: Universitas psychologica


Jealousy, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation are emotions that diminish the quality of life of those who suffer and are affected from them. As in the social imaginary prevails the idea that such problems are exacerbated in couples consisting of people with diverse sexual orientation, the relationship between these variables in a group composed of heterosexuals (79%) and non-heterosexuals (21%) was analyzed. The sample was composed of 288 Colombian participants over 18 years old. The methodological strategy used was transversal predictive. The instruments used were the CECLA, that evaluates jealousy classes in the Colombian population, and the hopelessness and suicide ideation inventory (IDIS). Regarding the relationship between sexual orientation and suicidal ideation, the results showed differences between heterosexuals and the other two groups (homosexual and bisexual) F = 10.49, p < 0.05. The post hoc test indicated differences between heterosexual and homosexual p < 0.05, and between heterosexual and bisexual p < 0. No statistically significant differences were found between sexual orientation and the variables jealousy and hopelessness. However, independently of the sexual orientation, a relationship was found between the triad jealousy - hopelessness - suicidal ideation, which is presented in a model of structural equations.