Betancort Montesinos
Associate Professor
Department: Psicología Clínica, Psicobiología y Metodología
Research institute: IUNE institute
Area: Behavioural Science Methodology
Research group: Laboratorio de Cognición Social
Email: moibemo@ull.es
Área de Investigación: Ciencias de la Salud
Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis El procesamiento sintáctico de la categoría vacía pro un estudio de los movimientos oculares 2002. Supervised by Dr. Manuel Francisco Carreiras Valiña.
Member of the Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology and Methodology Department at University of La Laguna. His areas of expertise are: Experimental design, multivariate data analyses. He develops the role of methodology in different competitive research groups. He is reviewer in different scientific journals and international peer reviewed conferences. He has published articles in different JCR impact factor journals, written book chapters and participate in numerous scientific events. He has two positive active research evaluation by the national agency for the research activity (CNEA). He has been part of the research team in national competitive project, European project. Actually he is involved as part of the research team in two national competitive project and International Erasmus + project "E-Motion: Potential of Highlysensitivity" He directed four doctoral theses, currently directed three doctoral theses, I have participated in different doctoral theses commission at the University of La Laguna. He is the director of the doctoral program in Psychology of the University of La Laguna.