Estudio comparativo del control colinérgico y serotonérgico sobre los procesos neurofisiológicos involucrados en el ciclo sueño-vigilia

  1. Tejada Gavela, Silvia
  1. Susana Cristina Esteban Valdés Zuzendaria
  2. Antonio Gamundí Gamundí Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 2010(e)ko abendua-(a)k 03

  1. Rubén Víctor Rial Planas Presidentea
  2. Maria Cristina Nicolau Llobera Idazkaria
  3. Mourad Akaârir El Ghourri Kidea
  4. Julián Jesús González González Kidea
  5. Antonius M. L Coenen Kidea

Mota: Tesia


We analyzed the control of cholinergic and serotonergic systems on sleep-wake cycle of rat and ring dove. We examined the EEG pattern, especially the theta rhythm, locomotor activity, cognitive function and brain oxidative stress. The cholinergic agonist pilocarpine increased the rhythm and power of the theta band during waking in cortex, accompanied by hippocampal theta rhythm, indicating an increase in the transfer of information to the cortex that correlated with increased cognitive abilities without altering the oxidative status brain. Moreover, we studied the role of serotonin (5-HT) in the sleep-wake cycle in birds compared with the known in mammals. The 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT increased locomotor activity and active waking, decreasing sleep. The 5-HT depletion caused the opposite, reflecting a stimulatory effect of 5-HT on active waking, and inhibition of sleep, through the 5-HT1A receptor, as