El uso del juego dramático en la enseñanza de lenguaslas destrezas orales

  1. Boquete Martín, Gabino
Supervised by:
  1. María Ángeles Álvarez Martínez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 21 December 2011

  1. José Antonio Martínez García Chair
  2. Manuel Pérez Jiménez Secretary
  3. Javier Medina López Committee member
  4. Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga Salamanca Committee member
  5. Leonor Cecilia Margalef García Committee member

Type: Thesis


Current models of language teaching, thanks to the implementation of communicative strategies, play a crucial role regarding oral skills in the classroom. However, the content is largely based on grammatical concepts, where the goal is to learn the ―appropriate‖ use of the language. Issues related to phonetics and pronunciation are rarely approached. Moreover, phonetic studies tend to focus on segmental elements (phonemes), and almost never in rhythm or intonation patterns. This lack of attention to suprasegmental elements is reflected in teaching materials, methodology and daily practice in the language classroom. Good communication skills cannot be achieved without sufficient mastery of pronunciation and intonation; consequently, it is essential to pay much more attention to the curriculum of the language class. The language teachers must have at their disposal various tools to be able to reach the students in a clear and understandable way: to show them the importance of correct intonation. To do this, the teachers must have sufficient knowledge of the subject. Comprehension of the most important models related to prosody is, therefore, fundamental. This thesis is an overview of the theoretical material required to explain the prosody performance in Spanish, as well as an essential guideline for curriculum design and needs analysis. It also provides useful information related to the styles of teaching/learning and the strategies involved in its development. Another reason why the study of the suprasegmental elements is given so little importance lies within the prejudices and fears of seeming ridiculous while imitating a foreign language and adapting to its rhythms. On the other hand, the exercises are often repetitive and not very motivating, which is an added negative element regarding the timidity of the student. This thesis presents the solution to these problems through the integration of dramatic play in the teaching of oral skills, particularly in the study of suprasegmental elements in Spanish as a Foreign Language classes. This thesis methodology will be developed according to the principles established in the "Action research in the classroom", established by Elliott and Stenhouse (among others). The aim of this process is to solve problems identified within specific situations in order improve the educational reality through reflection and collaboration of the participants (students and teachers themselves, observers). The instruments used are: interviews with participants, contrasting of sources, data recording instruments (diaries) and surveys (both active and teachers in training, and students). The conclusion is that the dramatic play techniques improve speaking and communication skills, encourage creativity, promote interaction among participants (helps empathy and closeness between teachers and students), and facilitate to overcome shyness while speaking and acting in public. It has been shown that it is possible to integrate drama techniques into the language classroom as an element that enhances the learning process and as a solution to many of the problems identified in the ―Action research‖ process undertaken in this thesis. The playful component is compatible with the academic rigor and discipline, both when designing a program and when putting it to practice.