La mediación manuscritaFormas simbólicas,reeducación de la escritura y filosofía aplicada

  1. Xantal Laplana
  2. Miguel Mandujano
HASER: revista internacional de filosofía aplicada

ISSN: 2172-055X

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 11

Pages: 37-62

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/HASER/2020.I11.02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: HASER: revista internacional de filosofía aplicada


In this paper, we will formulate the use of the graphological technique of the reeducation of writing as a tool of the dialogue process that constitutes the philosophical counseling or accompaniment known as philosophical practice. Our hypothesis is that if a personal philosophical discovery finds a reference in a gesture-type or feature of his writing, the process of reeducation or improvement ofthe trait will serve as a practical exercise, opportunity for reflection and medium of materialization of the desired change.Briefly, we will inscribe our project on the practical nature of the philosophical practice and practices based on the notion of spiritual exercises (Pierre Hadot). After that, we will define the scope of graphology and the reeducation of writing and we will project its implementation in a process of philosophical practice using the principles of a philosophy of symbolic forms (Ernst Cassirer) that assists us in the task of justifying graphic interpretation and encouraging the hermeneutical comprehension. Finally, we will indicate the possibilities and challenges of the potential implementation of our proposal.

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