Políticas educativas preventivas de la repetición de curso en la enseñanza obligatoria en España

  1. Cabrera, Leopoldo 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna, ULL
REMIE: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research

ISSN: 2014-2862

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: REMIE October 2019

Volume: 9

Issue: 3

Pages: 227-257

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17583/REMIE.2019.4523 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: REMIE: Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research


Spain is the OECD country with the highest proportion of repeaters in secondary school (11%) and five times the average proportion of repeaters (2%) of OECD countries. The proportion of repeaters is higher in students who come from families with socioeconomic disadvantages and affects subsequent educational achievement. Through the suitability rates in Spain for the 2016-17 academic year, we observe that 6.4% of 8-year-old students and 10.3% of 10-year-olds are not enrolled in the course corresponding to these ages. There are approximately 32,000 8-year-old students and 50,000 10-year-old students. The repetition of the course generates school disaffection, reduces expectations of continuing with post-compulsory studies and ventures early school leaving in Spain which is, on the other hand, the highest in Europe in recent years (17.9% in 2018), a value far from the 10% set by the Union European for 2020. The Eurydice and Cedefop Report for the 2014 European Commission concluded that early school leaving is closely intertwined with social problems, which affects the most disadvantaged and that is closely linked to the repetition of the course. This article proposes inclusive educational policy actions that we believe attenuate the repetition of the course and are school and social integrators: to promote reading at an early age, especially in boys (repeat more than girls) and support schoolchildren to students born in the last four months of the calendar year. The proposals are derived from the main conclusions of the exploitation of the data of the macro-survey of students in the second year of compulsory secondary school in Spain in 2010 with 27,961 students.

Funding information

El Informe de Eurydice y Cedefop para la Comisión Europea de 2014 concluyó que el abandono escolar temprano está estrechamente entrelazado con problemas sociales, que afecta más a los más desfavorecidos y que está muy ligado a la repetición de curso (European Union, 2014). Cabrera et al. (2019) encontraron que el abandono escolar al acabar en España los estudios obligatorios de secundaria se relaciona estrechamente con las propias expectativas que el alumnado señala durante su etapa en secundaria obligatoria (2º curso) y que éstas se asocian fuertemente con la repetición de curso generando, al tiempo, un problema de desafección escolar. La repetición escolar genera la mayor inequidad del sistema educativo, al concentrar sobre ella una gran representación de alumnado procedente de entornos sociales desfavorecidos (Cortázar, 2019; Gil-Hernández, 2019) y de regiones donde tales entornos tienen mayor prevalencia (Pérez, Serrano, & Uriel, 2019; Murillo & Martínez-Garrido, 2018).

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