Rutas competitivas:un enfoque desde los procesos de cadena de valor para las empresas del sector turismo

  1. Mendoza Jiménez, Javier
  2. Marin, María eugenia
  3. Fonseca González, Viviana
RIAT: Revista Interamericana de Medioambiente y Turismo

ISSN: 0718-235X

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 10

Issue: 2

Pages: 140-150

Type: Article

More publications in: RIAT: Revista Interamericana de Medioambiente y Turismo


Value constellations become key success factors in organizations looking to improve their organizational performance. The purpose of this research is to determine the strategic and operational uses in the processes of the value chain of the companies of the links of tourism (accommodation, food, adventure and travel agencies) in the Santander region in order to establish a framework to build competitive routes. Organizations have shortcomings with regard to issues of strategy, structure and processes to achieve competitive routes that generate brand and territory, and is well known that if you are not a charity, rapid and timely relation to the needs and requirements of its customers fall behind with respect to the overall dynamics.