The characterization of coating mortars and carpentry elements used in Traditional Canarian Construction
- Marcos Frías García 1
- José Manuel Alonso López 1
- Eduardo González Díaz 1
Universidad de La Laguna
Publisher: Magna Congresos S.L
ISBN: 978-84-09-03294-5
Year of publication: 2017
Type: Conference paper
This research presents a study regarding thecharacterization of the coating mortars andcarpentry elements used in Traditional CanarianBuildings. Several techniques proposed in therelevant literature, which are based on theThermogravimetric Analysis (TGA/DTG) and theScanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), were used forthe characterization and the identification of thesebuilding materials. The mapping obtained by theEnergy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) shows thepresence of a low proportion of calcium in thecoating mortar. On the other hand, the woodanalysed by TGA/DTG shows the characteristicpeaks of hemicellulose and cellulose, respectively.These peaks are within the normally expectedtemperature intervals, as reported in the literaturefor the identification of pitch wood (TEA, in Spanish).
Bibliographic References
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