La integración de las tecnologías digitales en la enseñanza obligatoria. La cultura escolar frente al cambio

  1. Fulgencio Sánchez Vera
Revista de antropología experimental

ISSN: 1578-4282

Ano de publicación: 2014

Número: 14

Páxinas: 133-138

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de antropología experimental


The ICT integration in teaching-learning process is far from the expectations and do not reflect the efforts made. It is an unresolved problem that we have addressed through an ethnographic methodology. We realized that a finite set of causes that explain the phenomenon globally do not exist. Each school and class has a particular reality; nevertheless, there are some regularities. Globally, there has been a considerable effort made in expanding material resources and improving teacher training, but it is not enough, it is necessary to go in depth into the meaning of the change and review the structural conditions to assume it. ICT integration depends on a coherent development of a complex set of conditions that belong to the following four categories: Means, Competence, Assumption and Sense.

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