De la enseñanza semipresencial a la enseñanza online en tiempos de Covid19.Visiones del alumnado
ISSN: 2255-1514
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Pages: 35-50
Type: Article
More publications in: Campus Virtuales
This article presents the description and analysis of a university teaching experience designed and developed under the blended teaching modality, but with the closure of the physical spaces of the universities during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was redesigned and offered entirely at a distance . The pedagogical principles that inspire it are based on the student's self-organization and autonomy, the offer of virtual environments with flexible learning itineraries, and the projects vs. methodology. subject learning. The article offers an analysis based on a questionnaire with closed and open questions of the opinions of the students in relation to what the transit and the experience of taking this blended subject represented in a totally online format. The results indicate a high level of satisfaction, highlighting as positive aspects the flexible itineraries offered, the proposal of tasks and projects for self-employment, the online tutoring received, as well as the acquisition of the digital skills necessary for their professional future.
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