Vidas cruzadasdispositivos y espacios de control en el "Nuevo Estado" franquista
- Hernández Burgos, Claudio 1
- Pérez-Olivares, Alejandro 2
- 1 Universidad de Granada, (Espanya)
- 2 Sciences Po Lyon, (França)
ISSN: 2014-5748
Datum der Publikation: 2021
Titel der Ausgabe: Espais de conflicte: El "gir espacial" en la historiografia espanyola
Ausgabe: 10
Nummer: 19
Seiten: 83-102
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Rubrica contemporanea
This article addresses the functioning of the social control apparatus of the Francoist dictatorship in everyday life, paying special attention to the spatial dimension. On the one hand, the text deals with state policies aimed at reordering and creating new spaces through which the daily existence of the population was controlled. On the other, it evaluates the role of the subjects of this control themselves, highlighting their agency in implementing, obstructing, re-signifying or negotiating these policies from below. In order to reveal the complexities of the notion of social control, this work builds on theoretical contributions from the history of everyday life and the spatial turn, mobilising a wide array of documentary sources. By doing so, this article explores the spaces where relations between the state apparatus and the population took place, revealing the dynamism, ambiguities and fluidity that characterised such interactions.
Informationen zur Finanzierung
* Este art?culo se enmarca dentro del proyecto I+D+I ?La hambruna espa?ola: causas, desarrollo, consecuencias y memoria (1939-1952)? financiado por el Ministerio de Econom?a y Competitividad. Del que ambos autores son miembros y del proyecto I+D+I ?Cultura, identidad e historia de Andaluc?a. Siglos XIX y XX? (Ref. P18-RT-1840) financiado por la Junta de Andaluc?a y codirigido por Claudio HERN?NDEZ. Ambos autores forman parte de la red tem?tica PHA-HIS. RED2018-102413-T.Geldgeber
- RED2018-102413-T
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Spain
Secretaría de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion
- P18-RT-1840
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