Duelo inadaptado en personas frágiles y dependientes de Canarias

  1. Martín Rodríguez Álvaro 1
  2. Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito 1
  3. Alfonso Miguel García Hernández 1
  1. 1 C. Salud Santa Cruz de la Palma, La Palma (Canarias)
RqR Enfermería Comunitaria

ISSN: 2254-8270

Ano de publicación: 2022

Volume: 10

Número: 1

Páxinas: 13-23

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: RqR Enfermería Comunitaria


As a general framework, the different types of grief can be grouped into three categories: normal, maladaptive or complicated and at risk. The level of dependency of the deceased plays an important role in the development of complications, especially in previously frail pa- tients. Objective: to study grief in a particularly fragile group: dependent persons. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, epidemiological study was carried out in the Primary Care setting in the Canary Islands with mourners identified in 2018 and 2019. Results: The prevalence of complicated grief is higher in women (13%) and frail or dependent patients (15.2%). In mourners at intermediate social risk, identified using the Gijón Sociofamilial Scale, the prevalence is 24.1%. The recording of defining characteristics of nursing diagnoses and related or risk factors is limited. The health area with the highest prevalence of Complicated Grief was Tenerife (13.3%) Conclusions: Frail or dependent people suffer more non-adapted grief than autonomous people. However, no associations of moderate or strong magnitude are evident. Further research on the needs of previously frail patients, especially those related to the psychosocial sphere, should be carried out through the epidemiology of care.

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