Efectos de la migración en el ejercicio de la parentalidad desde las voces de las familias latinoamericanas en Canarias
- 1 Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, España
ISSN: 1133-0473, 1989-9971
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 29
Pages: 282-308
Type: Article
More publications in: Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social
Sustainable development goals
Introduction. The present study explores the changes in the exercise of parenting perceived by Latin American families after having migrated to the Canary Islands. An ecological-systemic perspective and systemic theoretical models of acculturation were adopted since such they are key to approach and understand the phenomenon. Methodology. The methodology was qualitative. Three sets of in-depth interviews were conducted with nine migrant parents from Cuba, Venezuela and Colombia and who were users of community services (NGO and Social Services) in Tenerife. Results. Three main constructs were found in the discourse: the family, the formal support systems, and cultural adjustment, divided into eleven themes. The family construct notably included: differences in educational guidelines – the their children’s education was considered strict and rigid –; work-life balance problems; unemployment; economic and housing precariousness; the need to regulate their administrative situation; a lack of informal support; and lastly, family resilience acquired after migration. The participants perceived barriers of access to services, though they acknowledged the good quality of care received in formal health, education, social and community services. Finally, the following factors were worthy of note: cultural shock, the children’s bicultural socialisation, and the safety of the environment. Discussion. The participants’ discourse clearly revealed a relation of interdependence and bidirectional influence between the systems and their acculturation. The migratory experience was confirmed to produce modifications in the family system. We also verified that institutional support networks played a relevant role in their social well-being and that parents and their children had to make cultural adjustments to adapt to both cultures. Conclusions. Following the migration, changes occurred in the exercise of parenting in the different systems. Improvements need to be made to institutional interventions as well as the professional support provided to migrant families’ parenting following their migration. Worthy of note, Social Work plays an essential role in this domain.
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