Especialistas y trabajadores en el ingenio de Azúcar de Agaete (1503-1504)

  1. Gambín García, Mariano
Revista de Historia Canaria

ISSN: 0213-9472

Year of publication: 2008

Issue: 190

Pages: 69-82

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Historia Canaria


The Accountancy of the Ingenio (sugar factory) of Agaete from the years 1503-1504 had been preserved in Simancas Archive. The data extracted from this document will help us to know the people who worked in this sugar landed property this year. In this paper we will see how many they were and wich was their work; what clothes they dress and what food they eat. In resume, how they participate in sugar production of a canary factory in the early years of XVI century.