Educación, mujeres y tecnologíaanálisis de preferencias formativas según el género
- Espino Espino, Elisenda Eva
- González González, Carina Soledad
ISSN: 2805-7201, 1909-5775
Ano de publicación: 2016
Título do exemplar: Revista I+T+C - Investigación, Tecnología y Ciencia
Volume: 1
Número: 10
Páxinas: 91-101
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: I+ T+ C: Investigación, tecnología y ciencia
Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable
Nowadays, there is a great concern about the gender gap and the digital one which exist in the Information Technology andCommunication (ICT), which portrays the existence of a low level of representation of women in technological fields and in the businessworld. Thus, it generates a loss of diversity of opinions. It must be taken into account gender to generate a technology adapted to theircharacteristics. In order to analyze gender issues in the formative preferences, specially, those related with technology. We have led astudy with companies, university students and teachers on various training courses. Thus we see if there an interest, mainly by issuesrelated to the Information and Business to serve as a guide in order to bring women to these fields. This study has been made from2013 to 2015 in the Canary Islands. The results indicate that the courses related to the IT are the most demanded by the majority ofthe samples, where women show a great interest in it; but not for the creation or programming of technology, but also for the office ITand design. The second most demanded professional family is followed by the Business, highlighting the female own election aboutit. These results reflect if there is a possibility for women to choose their profession promoted by their vocation or are influenced byexternal agents.