Una aproximación al Compromiso Emocional Docente y su relación con otras variables psicoeducativas.
- 1 Universidad de La Laguna, España
ISSN: 1138-2635, 1989-3809
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Nuevas tendencias en inteligencia emocional
Volume: 15
Issue: 2
Pages: 171-181
Type: Article
More publications in: Escritos de psicología
The Teacher Emotional Engagement is a recently-validated psychoeducational construct that characterizes the teacher-student relationship in three educational stages: preschool, primary, and secondary. It is empirically defined as an emotional bond that the teacher establishes with their students, based on behavioral and verbal manifestations that imply affection and concern towards the students, distributed in four dimensions. The objective of this study was to observe which psy-choeducational variables predict the scores in Teacher Emotional Engagement and if there are differences in the construct’s dimensions based on them. The participants were 671 teachers from the three educational stages. The results revealed that the variables gender, training in emotional education and educational stage most explain the scores’ variability in the construct’s dimensions. These findings offer an initial approximation to the relationship of the construct with the socio-academic variables included in this study, enabling our progress in understanding it as well as guiding both initial and continuing teacher training
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