Espiritismo kardecista madrileño.Una perspectiva antropológica sobre la dicotomía de la espiritualidad en la salud y en la enfermedad

Supervised by:
  1. Mónica Cornejo Valle Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 May 2022

  1. Francisco Javier Fernández Vallina Chair
  2. Fernando Amérigo Secretary
  3. Montserrat Pulido Fuentes Committee member
  4. Grecy Pérez Amores Committee member
  5. María Albert Rodrigo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Haunted mansions in which ghosts live, communications with the afterlife where evil spirits or spirits of deceased close ones are manifested, spiritual possessions ... these are some of the resources that can be seen in the field of audiovisual and reader entertainment, being part of the same ones who have contributed to the construction of the foreknowledge of spiritism. The doctoral thesis at hand starts precisely from this pre-notion, from which the interest arises to analyze and understand contemporary spiritualism, specifically, French spiritualism.This spirituality took off in Paris, in 1856, when the Spirit of Truth revealed to Hyppolyte León Denizard Rivail (1804 - 1869), already under the pseudonym Allan Kardec, his mission to spread the word of God through the spirits and therefore, transcending spiritism. At a time when the relationship between Church and State began to weaken in Europe, French spiritism made its way as a philosophical, moral and scientific doctrine that would explain the origin and destiny of spirits based on communication with them, a so-called reciprocity mediumship. Kardec was the first recognized medium to start this trend, giving rise to a vast collection of Spiritist literature. Regarding the documentary sources generated from etic perspectives, mediumship and the phenomena derived from it have been the object of study from scientific points of view that seek explanations in terms other than those given by Kardecist spiritism, as well as inquiring into states of consciousness of mediums, whose capacity has been pathologized...