A multi-method approach with machine learning to evaluating the distribution and intensity of prehistoric land use in Eastern Iberia
- Cegielski, W.
- Snitker, G.
- Barton, C.M.
- Bernabeu Aubán, J.
- Cortell-Nicolau, A.
- Pardo-Gordó, S.
- Bergin, S.
- Castillo, A.D.
ISSN: 1040-6182
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakien izenburua: The Last Hunter-Gatherers on the Iberian Peninsula: An Integrative Evolutionary and Multiscalar Approach from Cueva de la Cocina (Western Mediterranean)
Alea: 677-678
Orrialdeak: 78-94
Mota: Artikulua