La situación actual de los espacios públicos en Santa Cruz de Tenerifeun estudio preliminar
- Alejandro Armas Díaz
- Alberto Armas Estévez
- María Candelaria Barreto Rodríguez
- Morales Padrón, Francisco (coord.)
Publisher: Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria
ISBN: 978-84-8103-650-3
Year of publication: 2012
Pages: 702-720
Congress: Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (19. 2010. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
Type: Conference paper
Public spaces are essential elements in cities. They serve as meeting places, as spaces of socio-cultural exchanges, as well as key elements that organise urban structure. Despite of these funtions, current analysis conclude that deep urban transformations permormed in last decades, have archieved negative effects on public spaces such as there loss of quality and a progressive weakenig as open access places. In this context, this paper explores deficiencies of quality in many public spaces located in several areas of the city through a qualitative analysis trying to find out which factors confine activities that citizens could develop in them.