Un poeta entre dos islasla memoria migrante en José Kozer

  1. Vázquez Schröder, Katya 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Laguna

    Universidad de La Laguna

    San Cristobal de La Laguna, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01r9z8p25

Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos

ISSN: 0570-4065

Ano de publicación: 2024

Número: 70

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos


This article delves into the book Este judío de números y letras (1974) of José Kozer (Havana, 1940), which won the Julio Tovar Prize in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and opened up a space for the poet among the intellectuals of the Canary Islands at that time. Through this work, in which the poetic self proclaims itself a foreigner due to a migratory family history that precedes him, one can explore one of the many facets of his poetics as an "emigrant before birth," who, far from seeking his true belonging, perceives himself as a Cuban-Jewish poet on the threshold between one continent and another. Additionally, the article will address part of the relationship that the Cuban writer maintained with the culture and artists of the island of Tenerife in the 1970s through frequent correspondence, particularly with the Tenerifan writer and theater director Domingo Pérez Minik.

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