Envejecimiento saludableDeterminantes de la capacidad restauradora en los espacios públicos urbanos

  1. Christian Rosales Sánchez
  2. Lorenzo Alegría, Maryurena
  3. Ríos-Rodríguez, María Luisa
  4. Hernández Ruiz, Bernardo
Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1696-7348

Année de publication: 2024

Número: 101

Pages: 111-123

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales


Green spaces are fundamental in the urban context, since they are places of cognitive restoration for citizens; as well as for their physical, psychological and community health. The paper tries to examine to what extent user perceptions of the characteristics of urban green spaces predict their Perceived Restorative Capacity (PRC) and how these perceptions can be different according to age. 163 users of urban green spaces on the island of Tenerife participated in the study. For the evaluation of the spaces, users used the Perceived Environmental Quality questionnaire, and, for the assessment of restorative capacity, they filled out a questionnaire composed of five items. The results show that elderly have a higher perception than the young about the characteristics of urban green spaces and about their restorative capacity. In addition, for young people, social interaction, the design of the space and the presence of sensory elements predict the PRC. In the group over 60 years of age, social interaction, space care and space design are the variables that predict the PRC. In conclusion, there are differences in the perception of the characteristics of the environmental quality of urban green spaces in the perception of their restorative capacity, depending on age.

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