Department: Química

Area: Analytical Chemistry

Research group: Materials for chemical analysis


Personal web:

Área de investigación: Ciencias

Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis Desarrollo de metodologías analíticas de microextracción empleando novedosos materiales basados en líquidos iónicos y sus derivados 2017. Supervised by Dr. Verónica Pino Estévez, Dr. Ana María Afonso Perera.

Dr. María J. Trujillo-Rodríguez completed her PhD in Chemistry in 2017 at University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), obtaining the Best PhD Thesis Award and after a 3-month research stay at Iowa State University (USA). As postdoctoral researcher, she worked in Iowa State University (USA) in 2017-19, University of the Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Spain) in 2019-20, and the Spanish National Research Council (Zaragoza, Spain) in 2020-21 with a Juan de la Cierva formación contract. She is currently working with an Excellence Junior research contract of LaCaixa-CajaCanarias at University of La Laguna (position that started on June 2021). As part of this contract, she performed a research stay at University of Aveiro (Portugal) from Jan-May 2022. She is interested in the development of (bio)analytical platforms to monitor pollutants, nutritional value compounds, and biomarkers. To achieve this goal, she adopted a multidisciplinary strategy based on: (1) the preparation of novel materials (mainly ionic liquids and derivatives) and, (2) their implementation in microdevices or analytical microextraction in combination with chromatography. These task are performed in the Materials for Chemical Analysis (MAT4LL) research group.