Luis Manuel
Jerez Darias
Assistant Professor
Department: Geografía e Historia
Area: Regional Geographical Analysis
Research group: Grupo de Investigación sobre el Subdesarrollo y el Atraso Social
Email: ljerez@ull.edu.es
Área de Investigación: Artes y Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad de La Laguna with the thesis La organización territorial de la gomera un ejemplo de subdesarrollo 2015. Supervised by Dr. Víctor O. Martín Martín.
PhD in Geography from the ULL in 2015 with the qualification of Outstanding Cum laude. Title of his thesis: The territorial organization of La Gomera: an example of underdevelopment. Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2017. He currently serves as Assistant Professor Doctor in the degree of Geography and Spatial Planning of the ULL and has been accredited by ANECA as Associate Professor Doctor. He complements this teaching work with continuing education courses on topics related to innovation and new teaching methodologies. His line of research has dealt with the territorial changes that have occurred in the Canary Islands since the 1960s. In the period 2008-2010 he participated as a contract researcher in the R+D+I project Urbanización del territorio y política local en la democracia española: a vueltas con la cuestión agraria, the results of which were widely disseminated in the national media. Since then his scientific production has not stopped growing, being the author of numerous scientific articles, books, participation and organization of national and international congresses and seminars, as well as in the development of research projects. He is currently integrating new dimensions to his line of research such as geopolitical and geodemographic analysis applied to the reality of the Canary Islands.