Departamento: Técnicas y Proyectos en Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Área: Expresión Gráfica da Enxeñaría

Grupo de investigación: Aplicación de Tecnologías de Realidad Aumentada en Educación

Grupo de investigación: Grupo de investigación en habilidades espaciales (DEHAES)


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Área de Investigación: Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Doutor pola Universitat Politècnica de València coa tese Estudio y evaluación de contenidos didácticos en el desarrollo de las habilidades espaciales en el ámbito de la ingeniería 2010. Dirixida por Dr. José Luis Saorín Pérez, Dr/a. Manuel Roberto Contero González.

Jorge Martín Gutiérrez is Professor of Mechanical and Computer Engineering. He received his Ph.D. in design and methods of industrial engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Jorge´s research has focused on improving processes learning through augmented reality technology. Currently, his approach explores the use of information visualization tools to provide new methods of learning. Their interest is focused on the development of teaching applications based on emerging technologies as well as motivation and UX studies focusing his work on developing computer applications. Since 2002 he works as Professor at La Laguna University (ULL) teaching Computer Aided Design, Project Management, design and production of video games among others.