Héctor Eutimio
Hernández Arocha
Associate Professor
Department: Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Research institute: INULAB institute
Area: German Philology
Research group: Adquisición del lenguaje, Teoría lingüística y Cognición
Research group: Análisis semántico del lenguaje
Email: hhernana@ull.edu.es
Personal web: https://ull.academia.edu/H%C3%A9ctorHern%C3%A1ndezArocha?...
Área de investigación: Artes y Humanidades
Héctor Hernández Arocha obtained his PhD in Lingiustics from the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2013. After a replacement of a professorship in Romance Linguistics at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) in 2014-15, he was awarded a research position at the Cátedra de Altos Estudios del Español (2015) of the University of Salamanca (Spain). From 2016 to 2018 he held a post-doc position at the Lehrstuhl für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft of the University of Erfurt (Germany). He lectured as an invited Professor at the Dipartimento di Lingue e Litterature straniere of the University of Verona (Italy, 2018) and made research visits at the Linguistics Department of the Max-Planck Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie (Germany, 2015) and at the Center for Language, Cognition and Computation of the University of Edinburgh (UK, 2017). He was Assistant Professor at the Universidad Europea de Canarias (2019-2020). At present, he is Associate Professor at the German Section of the Department of English and German Philology of the University of La Laguna. His research interests are Formal Semantics, Word families in diachronic and synchronic Morphology and Syntax-Semantics Interface.