Pilas de combustible de Membrana polimérica
- Asensio, Juan Antonio
- Peña Martínez, Juan
- Pérez Coll, D.
- Ruiz-Morales, Juan Carlos
- Marrero López, David
- Núñez Coello, Pedro Felipe
- Ballesteros Pérez, Belén
- Canales Vázquez, Jesús
- Borrós Gómez, Salvador
- Gómez Romero, Pedro
ISSN: 0001-9704
Ano de publicación: 2011
Volume: 68
Número: 554
Páxinas: 246-258
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Afinidad: Revista de química teórica y aplicada
In this paper we briefly review polymer fuel cells (PEM) based on proton exchange membranes, which are the ideal technology for fuel cells at low temperature, and therefore more suitable for use in transportation. We will review the materials that compose them, but also the necessary developments for its final implementation in a market that it is not friendly with expensive technologies, even they are clean.