Distancia y proximidad prosódica entre algunas variedades del españolun estudio dialectrométrico a partir de datos acústicos

  1. Ana María Fernández Planas
  2. Josefa Dorta
  3. Paolo Roseano
  4. Chaxiraxi Díaz
  5. Wendy Elvira-García
  6. Jose Antonio Martín Gómez
  7. Eugenio Martínez Gómez
RLA: Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

ISSN: 0033-698X 0718-4883

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 53

Orrialdeak: 13-45

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RLA: Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada


This paper presents the results of an dialectometric analysis of F0 data of interrogative and declarative sentences from AMPER experimental corpus, uttered by speakers of six varieties of peninsular Spanish and seven speakers of insular Spanish, according to two different routines. The Calcu-Dista method, developed by the Laboratori de Fonètica of the University of Barcelona, works with a distance matrix of quantitative F0 data in semitones. To represent prosodic distances without the need to use such large data matrix, we used SPSS dendrograms created through cluster analysis and MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling) type graphics, which represent the distances between sample points in a virtual space. On the other hand, the open source online tool DiaTech, developed by the UPV / EHU research team, allows to analyze distances using nominal data, though. To solve this problem, we have used the autosegmental metric system to label F0 curves. This software also represents results using dendrograms. The analysis of the available data using these two different quantitative and qualitative methods allows to represent graphically the distribution of the different studied varieties of Spanish. Furthermore, both methods are capable of sort out the available data into two distinct groups, for both the interrogatives and interrogative-declarative sets; while in the case of the declarative sentences, no coherent groups have been formed.