El enfoque dialógico en los procesos de participación ciudadana

  1. Daniel Buraschi
  2. María-José Aguilar-Idáñez
  3. Natalia Oldano
Quaderns d'animació i educació social

ISSN: 1698-4404

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 30

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Quaderns d'animació i educació social

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


We present the main features of participatory methodologies and the importance of implementing them through a dialogical perspective that allows us to improve our own practices. We believe that taking care of this relational dimension is fundamental because it can prevent situations of group fragmentation and can increase the motivation towards participation, thus avoiding the reproduction of certain patterns of domination that are present in our daily environment. The objective of the Transformative Dialogic Approach (EDT) is to contribute and favor the transformation of society through the creation of dialogical structures that promote dialogue and the nonviolent transcendence of conflicts. Some operational intervention tools are described, which have been shown to be effective in: creating empowering structures that allow moving from debate to dialogue; creating dialogical and participative structures that neither deny nor flee conflict but manage it creatively within the framework of appropriate maieutic structures; taking care and changing the logic of the relationships that must necessarily be based on recognition. In short, in order to create structures and develop skills that facilitate dialogue, creativity and collective intelligence are essential tools.

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

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