Duelo adaptativo, no adaptativo y continuidad de vínculos
- Alfonso Miguel García Hernández
- Martín Rodríguez Álvaro
- Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito
- Domingo A. Fernández Gutiérrez
- Carlos E. Martínez Alberto
- Cristo Marrero González
ISSN: 1988-348X
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 15
Type: Article
More publications in: ENE Revista de Enfermería
Adaptative grieving is a natural and self-limiting adjustment to a new reality that arises after a significant loss, real or perceived, with a wide range of manifestations that impact the health of the bereaved. Research on grief has modified the way we understand its processes so that its classification has drastically changed. The different types of grief can be grouped into two categories: adaptive grieving and maladaptive grieving. The latter group includes a pool of processes, including traumatic grievieng, complicated grieving and spiritual grieving. The specialized literature gathers different scales and measuring instruments that help toassess the course and risk of complications throughout grief. There is an increasing number of research associated with the continuity of bonds. And there is also a need to evaluate the effectiveness of this connection and its adaptive capacity.
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