Priorización de diagnósticos, criterios de resultado e intervenciones enfermeras psicosociales en el contexto de un programa formativo en lenguaje de cuidados

  1. Pedro Ruymán Brito Brito
  2. Antonio Bazán Herrero
  3. Francisca Beatriz Castrillo García
  4. Ana Belén Díez Álvarez
  5. Raquel García García
  6. Montserrat García Fernante
  7. Natividad Gómez Feliz
  8. María González García
  9. Faustino González Pérez
  10. María Josefa Gutiérrez Fernández
  11. Mónica Iglesias Suárez
  12. Marta María Iglesias Valbuena
  13. Aurora Peláez Nava
  14. Ana Riesgo Laviana
  15. María Begoña Sierra Gayol
  16. María Joaquina Suárez Iglesias
ENE Revista de Enfermería

ISSN: 1988-348X

Any de publicació: 2020

Número: 14

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.4321/S1988-348X2020000300002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccés obert editor

Altres publicacions en: ENE Revista de Enfermería


This study presents the results of a prioritization exercise of standardized nursing languages, belonging to the psychosocial area, carried out in the context of a 20-hour training program. A total of 15 nurses participated, most of them from specialized care, with work experience, regular users of these languages, with previous training in this regard and a favorable attitude. The following NANDA-I diagnoses were prioritized: 00146 Anxiety, 00054 Risk for loneliness, 00150 Risk for suicide, 00053 Social isolation and 00214 Discomfort. Among the NOC outcome criteria, the following were prioritized: 1205 Self-esteem, 0300 Self-care: activities of daily living, 1209 Motivation, 1204 Emotional balance and 1211 Anxiety level. And among the NIC interventions: 4920 Active listening, 5270 Emotional support, 5250 Decision-making support, 7040 Support for the main caregiver and 7140 Support for the family. Subsequently, the main diagnostic and outcome indicators were selected, describing the degree of overlap between them. Likewise, for the interventions, the activities prioritized by the working group were related to the available evidence.

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