Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Nuria Gutiérrez Sosa (16)


  1. Reading Spanish Prosody: The Role of Word Reading and Syntactic Knowledge

    Journal of Literacy Research, Vol. 56, Núm. 2, pp. 102-122


  1. Reading Curriculum-Based Measures for Universal Screening in Monolingual Spanish First Graders

    Early Education and Development, Vol. 33, Núm. 6, pp. 1036-1060


  1. Assessing Foundational Reading Skills in Kindergarten: A Curriculum-Based Measurement in Spanish

    Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol. 53, Núm. 2, pp. 145-159

  2. Universal screening for prevention of reading, writing, and math disabilities in Spanish

    Journal of Visualized Experiments, Vol. 2020, Núm. 161, pp. 1-20


  1. Implementación del modelo de respuesta a la intervención en población hispanohablante: un desafío a nuestro alcance

    Modelo de respuesta a la intervención: un enfoque preventivo para el abordaje de las dificultades específicas de aprendizaje (Pirámide), pp. 393-466


  1. CO-276. Number comparison task as a predictor of mathematics learning disabilities in first grade Spanish students

    6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development: proceedings

  2. CO-360. Components of a reading curriculum-based measures for second grade Spanish students

    6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development: proceedings

  3. CO-65. Critical reading abilities in kindergarten and their relationship with future reading performance

    6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development: proceedings

  4. CO-66. Which tasks allow us to measure number sense in second grade?

    6th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development: proceedings

  5. La formación online como alternativa: El programa trazo

    EDUcación con TECnología: un compromiso social. Aproximaciones desde la investigación y la innovación

  6. Programa letra: Autoinformes para evaluar la fidelidad de la implementación en el contexto del modelo RtI

    EDUcación con TECnología: un compromiso social. Aproximaciones desde la investigación y la innovación