Castellano San Jacinto
Department: Bellas Artes
Area: Drawing
Research group: Arte contemporáneo
Research group: Dibujo contemporáneo: experiencia y conocimiento
Email: tcastell@ull.edu.es
Área de Investigación: Artes y Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Distracción, shock, interrupción la recepción de Walter Benjamin en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas 2016. Supervised by Dr. Aurora Fernández Polanco.
Professor in the Drawing Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain). Her research focuses on the contemporary artistic production of interrupted images linked to technological media and the phenomenon of distraction from modernity to the present day. Additionally, other lines of research are dedicated to the interaction between materiality and experience within contemporary drawing. She belongs to the R&D project ""Picture Matters (MICINN 2021 PID2021-122762NB-I00) and has previously participated in "Images, action and power. Iconic agency and practices of the contemporary image" (FFI2017-84944-P) and "Art interactions in the tecnosphere. The irruption of the experience. (Creation of supports and instruments for critical, public, and transversal reflection)" (HAR2017-86608-P) and She received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Complutense University of Madrid for her thesis "Distraction, Shock, Interruption: The Reception of Walter Benjamin in Contemporary Artistic Practices." She holds a Master's degree in Theory and Practice of Contemporary Plastic Arts and received the Extraordinary Fine Arts Degree Award. She is the author of the book "Inicio. Búsqueda. Distracción. An Analysis of Distraction in Walter Benjamin" (2011).