Area: Genetics

Research group: Genómica y Salud

Javier Perez-Garcia completed a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy in 2019 from the University of La Laguna (ULL), with two academic recognitions of the “Extraordinary Award in the Pharmacy Degree” and the “Excellence Award in Health Sciences”. In 2023, he obtained a Ph.D. in Health Sciences from ULL with the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude and the distinctions of "International Mention" and "Compendium of Publications". As an undergraduate student, he was awarded two Fundación P. iP. Pizarroso scholarship-awards for his academic performance and a competitive Collaboration Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education during the completion of his Bachelor's Thesis (defended with Honors). As a Ph.D. student, he was awarded a University Professor Training Ph.D. fellowship and carried out a 3-month internship at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) (Dr. Esteban Burchard’s Lab) funded by competitive fellowships. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Genomics and Health Group (ULL). His research focuses on the application of multi-omics techniques (i.e., genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, and metagenomics) for drug-response biomarkers discovery in asthma. Concerning his research experience, he has co-authored 18 articles published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals (83% in Q1 and 56% in D1). He is the first author of nine articles (one as corresponding), including three articles published in the top-ranked journal The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, two of them selected as Editors’ choice and one highlighted by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI). Additionally, he has co-authored one encyclopedia article (first author), one letter to the editor (first author and corresponding), and two collaboration articles under the SysPharmPediA consortia. He has participated in nine research projects (one through a contract), two private entity projects, and one R&D agreement. He has co-authored 44 conference presentations (17 as first author, 15 oral presentations, and 24 at international conferences), including oral communication in one of the most prestigious conferences in the asthma field (i.e., European Respiratory Society International Congress 2021). He has reviewed multiple articles for international journals (e.g., Microbiome, Scientific Reports, Clinical and Translational Allergy and Epigenetics), is a member of seven scientific societies, and has participated in several outreach activities (including two dissemination articles in the Hipotesis journal).