Estudio fisicoquímico de las aguas de abastecimiento público del archipiélago canario

  1. J.T. Falcón 1
  2. A. Hardisson 1
  3. G. Brito 1
  4. R. Ríos 1
  5. C. Rodríguez 1
  6. Mª D. Garrido 1
  1. 1 Departamentos de Química Analítica y Medicina Preventiva. Universidad de La Laguna
Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos

ISSN: 0300-5755

Year of publication: 1987

Issue: 184

Pages: 49-56

Type: Article

More publications in: Alimentaria: Revista de tecnología e higiene de los alimentos

Sustainable development goals


A physico-chemical analytical study of the edible waters of all the islands of the Canary Islands has been made. The object is to evaluate the edible character of these waters comparing the obtained data with the values of the spanish RTS, the WHO and the EEC. In accordance with the spanish legislation, the analyzed waters can be qualified as drinkable or at least can be tolerated from a sanitary point of view.