Imagen del grupo de investigación

The research group is mainly integrated by researchers in the area of economic analysis, specialized in dynamic macroeconomics models, economic growth and inequality, as well as environmental economics, public economics and evaluation of public policies. Researchers use theoretical macroeconomic models and novel quantitative techniques such as: Machine Learning models, policy evaluation procedures, and macro- and micro-econometric models at the knowledge frontier. Rigorous research along these lines will help to understand key issues and challenges of Sustainable Development. The group's research experience is proved by the publication of more than 50 articles in JCR journals, mostly at a high level and in the lines of research listed above, and by participation in numerous regional, national and international competitive projects (Interreg, H2020, Horizon Europe, etc.). They have also participated in numerous contracts and transfer projects with private companies and the public sector. Lastly, the group stands out for its involvement in the training of new doctors, which is reflected in the combination of senior and young researchers in the group.



  • Área de investigación: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
